tardis 0.1.4 (2022-11-18)
- Change output column names from "sentiment" to "score" for generalizability.
- Refactor sentiment dictionary to be more general, have column names "token" and "score"
- Bugfix: multi-word tokens recognized properly when next to punctuation.
- Sigmoid function is now optional, enabling simpler word counting.
- New parameter: negation_factor, multiplier for damping sentiment after negation.
- New parameter: allcaps_factor, multiplier for ALL CAPS sentiment increases.
- Added parameters and tests to enable disabling modifiers and negations.
- Added parameter to disable punctuation analysis.
- Added custom summary functions.
- Added convenience parameter simple_count to count word presences.
- Add support for multi-word modifiers.
- Add support for multi-word negations.
- Added unit tests for all new features.
- Internal code cleanup.
tardis 0.1.3 (2022-09-30)
- Updated CRAN release.
- Fix cpp code to use logical operators, not bitwise operators, for clang14 build.
tardis 0.1.2 (2022-09-29)
- First CRAN release.
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.
- Migrated internally to use cpp11 for roughly 6x speed increase.
- Initial working version on GitHub.